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Respect Life Manifesto

As Koton, we embrace sustainability as a framework that gives meaning to our existence.

We get our power from what we have learned from the work we have carried out in the field of sustainability so far and gather our new development steps under the ‘Respect Life’ heading.

The focus of our ‘Respect Life’ understanding is respect for the planet, communities, people and our business.

Respect for our planet that is the source of our breath, for our communities in which we exist, for all the people we touch, and for our business, which is the core source of our brand value, are the essence of our understanding of sustainability.

We say ‘Respect Life’ and align our strategies and objectives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We say ‘Respect Life’ and use our influence to build a better planet by developing collaborations with our stakeholders.

We say ‘Respect Life’ and are committed to sharing our development steps and experience with transparency.

Respect for

  • the Planet
  • the Communities
  • the People
  • our Business

For our shared future…

For our Respect Life manifesto; Respect Life!

We recognize that our planet is not only the home of humans but also all living beings. We respect the right to life of our planet and all the creatures that inhabit it.

We are aware that taking care of our environment and our planet is not a choice but a necessity. As a significant player in the fashion industry, we consider it our responsibility to contribute to the conservation of natural resources, especially water, as well as to find solutions.

We share the responsibility of leaving a livable world for future generations. We set goals and take initiatives to reduce the impact of our activities on the world.

We work believing that each fashion product we offer contributes to society. We believe that good and great deeds can only find their real value in healthy and strong communities. Therefore, we consider giving back to society what we receive from it, empowering communities, as our top priority responsibility. We aim to contribute to social development through projects with a high impact. Gender equality and women’s empowerment have always been areas where we have contributed to finding solutions from the past to the present. In our sustainability efforts, we are ready to walk hand in hand with all our stakeholders. We become members of international initiatives, share our commitments with the community, and commit to sharing information and resources about all our transparent activities.

Human health, safety, and happiness are our top priorities. Clothing, which is a fundamental necessity, symbolizes self-expression, freedom, and more. We serve humanity. While meeting one of the basic needs, we also help people feel better about themselves. This is one side of our business. The other side is the people we work with throughout all processes, from production to post-sales customer satisfaction. Our people are our most valuable asset.

We make efforts to improve the skills and competencies of our employees. We feel responsible towards everyone in our ecosystem. We value being connected and promoting a learning-focused sharing culture. We share the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) that guide us with all our suppliers and commit to making our collaboration stronger with shared objectives.

Our current position encourages us to expand our business. We are a growth-oriented company. We consider growing our business and ensuring profitability as necessary, not only for our future but also for the ecosystem we are a part of. We aim to be a leader in our industry through digitalization, simplicity, and agility. We consider it the essence of respecting our business to constantly design, produce, and offer better products to a wider audience in the most innovative way. We are capable of keeping up with the pace of our industry, managing change through our retail expertise, and adding value to our company and our industry through technology and R&D efforts.